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Venue Map Data


The actual object model varies with each SDK. This is a general overview of the object model.

Venue Map Data (VMD) is a collection of sources that precisely define a venue, detailing its buildings, floors, and distinct places. VMD Data comprises a series of artifacts used to build the object model and describe the location and shape of the places within the venue.

In addition to the primary sources, a secondary set of sources serves to support rendering and visualization. These sources are typically served from an endpoint and consumed by clients when they utilize the SDK for visual interactions: Styles, Tiles, Icons, and Fonts.

Test Maps

Three main test maps are available for you to get acquainted with the capabilities of our platform:

  • SMALL: A small, single-building venue with basic features.
  • AEGIRH: A more complex venue with multiple floors, including an outdoor feature.
  • AEGIRVR: A highly complex multi-tower, multi-building venue with multiple outdoor levels.

Each of these test maps presents a unique set of challenges and use-cases to help you understand the versatility of the Aegir platform.

TBD: Section for Test Map URIs

TBD: Section for React component showcasing each test map