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Aegir Platform: An Overview of Key Concepts

The Aegir Platform is a comprehensive solution that leverages state-of-the-art technology to map indoor venues, empowering users with enhanced control, convenience, and choice. This page provides an overview of key concepts and components of our platform to help developers understand how to effectively utilize our platform's capabilities.

Venue Map Data (VMD)

At the heart of the Aegir platform is the Venue Map Data (VMD) specification. Acting as a high-fidelity map and data repository, VMD is based on industry-standard digital mapping technology. It provides an exhaustive geolocated dataset for venue maps, which are accessible to all geometries and points that comprise the map shapes and points of interest.

The VMD specification includes every detail from room shapes to location-specific fixtures, each paired with a unique PlaceId. These PlaceIds act as universally unique identifiers (UUID4), allowing external systems to reference and track any place within the venue.

VMD opens up a world of possibilities for extended applications such as:

  • Wayfinding: Auto-generated paths and directions within and between buildings and floors.
  • Interior positioning and geofencing applications.
  • Room/space/unit selection: Tapping any place in the venue retrieves its unique PlaceId.
  • Facilities management: From environmental controls to housekeeping status and assignments, digital key hardware management, and beyond.

Venue Map Software Development Kit (VMSDK)

To facilitate the use of the VMD, we offer the Venue Map Software Development Kit (VMSDK), available for JavaScript, iOS, and Android platforms. Each SDK is equipped with a suite of functionality tailored for mobile app development based on the VMD specification.

Key features of VMSDK include:

  • Auto-generated wayfinding paths and directions, with support for overrides from a separate data file.
  • Support for Vector and Raster map tiling on top of Google and Apple Maps or in a 'Venue Only' mode without any external map providers.
  • Libraries for JavaScript, iOS, and Android, with documentation for each platform.

Getting Started with Aegir SDK

Our SDK libraries come bundled with a reference application for each platform—JavaScript, iOS, and Android. These applications serve as a comprehensive guide, demonstrating how to:

  • Display your custom map tiles using a specific map provider.
  • Enable Wayfinding in your venue.
  • Load additional custom map data for directions and naming.
  • Implement custom styling for your map tiles and wayfinding paths.
  • Respond to events and errors that occur.

Get a feel for what's possible with Aegir by exploring our JavaScript SDK Reference Application.

These key concepts provide the foundation for understanding and utilizing the Aegir Platform. As you dive deeper into each component, remember to explore our detailed guides and leverage the robust capabilities of the SDKs to create impressive venue mapping applications.