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Tile Sources

Tile Sources are an integral part of Aegir's Venue Map Data (VMD), offering essential details for rendering maps. The Tile Sources comprise vector tiles, raster tiles, and art tiles, with vector tiles being particularly crucial due to their superior rendering speed and compatibility with modern mapping solutions.

Vector Tiles

Vector tiles are the cornerstone of Aegir's Tile Sources. Stored in subdirectories under the respective mapping provider's subdirectory, these tiles are created using the Aegir Venue Map Management System (VMMS) tile generator. The process involves transforming SVG files, carefully crafted from various client-provided inputs, into vector tiles.

Raster and Art Tiles

Raster tiles and art tiles cater to more specific needs, offering high fidelity renditions of custom properties for clients who require a high-end branding touch. The rasterization of these high-quality artworks allows for their efficient use in map rendering.

Role and Importance

Tile Sources serve a pivotal role in representing venues at different zoom levels, ensuring the best visual quality and performance in conjunction with Google and Apple's street maps through the MapLibre rendering engine. The versatility of Tile Sources allows Aegir to offer zoom levels beyond what most providers usually permit, enhancing the depth of visual detail available to users.

Accessing Tile Sources

Developers can access Tile Sources without having to comply with any specific technical requirements or specifications. The tiles are pre-generated, and the respective Aegir SDK automatically identifies and uses the most suitable Tile Sources when provided with the correct map reference.

Applications and Limitations

Tile Sources primarily facilitate the rendering and visualization of venues at various zoom levels, enhancing the fidelity of art assets and rasterized components within the map. No known limitations impact their use, making them a reliable and vital part of Aegir's venue mapping technology.

In the near future, an example showcasing the use of artistic tilesets will be provided here. Stay tuned!