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Icon Source

Icons are defined in the icons.png and [email protected] files for normal and high resolution displays respectively. Each PNG file is a sprite sheet that contains multiple icons, and the corresponding JSON manifest file (icons.json and [email protected]) defines the bounding boxes of each icon within the sprite sheet.

Here's a snippet of a JSON manifest:

"blue-fill": {
"height": 128,
"pixelRatio": 2,
"width": 128,
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"elevator-icon": {
"height": 48,
"pixelRatio": 2,
"width": 48,
"x": 256,
"y": 0
"icon-restroom": {
"height": 48,
"pixelRatio": 2,
"width": 48,
"x": 304,
"y": 0
// more icons...

Each entry in the JSON manifest represents an icon in the sprite sheet. The key is the icon's name, and the value is an object containing the icon's properties: width, height, x (the x-coordinate of the icon's upper-left corner in the sprite sheet), y (the y-coordinate), and pixelRatio (the ratio between pixels in the source image and display pixels; use 2 for high-resolution displays). The icon's size in the style is determined by its height and width in the sprite.