
abstract class BaseWalkingPathOverlay

Base abstract class that provides some functionality for enabling Wayfinding visualization.



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Default constrctor


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open fun didTapAtCoordinate(location: LatLng)
Called when user taps on a point in the map.
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open fun didTapUnitAtLocation(mapUnit: MapUnit, location: LatLng)
Called when users taps on a MapUnit in the map.
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open fun fixCamera(waypathBounds: LatLngBounds, bearing: Float, animated: Boolean)
Adjust the camera zoom and position to show the given waypath bounds
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open fun fixCameraToSegment(segment: WaypathSegment, bearing: Float)
Adjusts the camera zoom and position to show the given waypath segment
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Adjusts the camera zoom and position to the entire waypath on the current floor.
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Determine which other associated floors need to be visible based on the target floor.
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abstract fun loadPathData()
Loads path data for the current waypath.
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Called when a waypath segment is selected, and adjusting the map camera
abstract fun onSegmentSelected(segment: WaypathSegment, adjustsCamera: Boolean)
Called when a waypath segment is selected.
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abstract fun removeMarkersAndPaths()
Removes markers and paths from the map.
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open fun reset()
Clears everything and resets the values.
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open fun setWaypathAndDirections(waypath: Waypath, directions: MapDirectionStepList)
Set waypath and directions, then loads the path
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Display all waypoints and paths on the map for the specified floors
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abstract fun togglePathForFloor(indoorFloor: MapBuildingFloor, outdoorFloor: MapOutdoorBuildingFloor)
Shows waypath for the selected floors.
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abstract fun togglePathForFloors(indoorFloors: List<MapBuildingFloor>, outdoorFloors: List<MapOutdoorBuildingFloor>)
Shows waypath for the selected list of floors


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open var map: Map
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open var waypath: Waypath
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