
interface MapViewDelegate

Interface that can be implemented to receive interactions with the map.


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abstract fun calloutViewForPointAnnotation(annotation: PointAnnotation): InfoWindow
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abstract fun canSelectUnit(mapUnit: MapUnit): Boolean
param mapUnit The map unit to check.
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abstract fun didChangeCameraPosition(newLocation: LatLng, newZoom: Float, newBearing: Double, newTilt: Double)
Called when the map's camera position has changed
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abstract fun didFailToLoadMapView(mapView: MapView, ex: Exception)
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abstract fun didFinishLoadingMapView(mapView: MapView)
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Called when the popup view for a map annotation is opened.
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abstract fun didSelectAnnotation(annotation: MapAnnotation)
Called when an annotation was selected on the map.
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Called when a floor change annotation was selected on the map.
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abstract fun didSelectUnit(mapUnit: MapUnit)
Called when a map unit is selected on the map.
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abstract fun didTapAtCoordinate(location: LatLng)
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abstract fun didTapOnMap(coords: LatLng)
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Called to provide a custom image for the floor change annotation button
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Called to provide a custom image for a landmark annotation
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Called to provide a custom image for a point annotation
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abstract fun shouldChangeCameraPosition(newLocation: LatLng, newBearing: Double, newTilt: Double): Boolean
Called when the map's camera position is about to be changed
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abstract fun willStartLoadingMapView(mapView: MapView)