Used to describe when the final segment of the journey orients the user so
that their destination is to their left or right. This is typically used
when the last segment is too short to be separated into its own direction.
Defaults to "Your destination is on the".
Returns string
the direction
getDestinationStraightAheadDirection(): string
Used to describe when the final segment of the journey orients the user so that
their destination is straight ahead. Defaults to "Your destionation is straight ahead."
Returns string
the direction
getDirectionDistanceIncrement(): number
Distance (in FEET) for indicating length of directions.
All directions are rounded to nearest multiples of this value. Defaults to 5 (feet).
Returns number
increment value in feet
getEnterBuildingDescription(): string
Description used when the user needs to enter a building.
Defaults to "Enter the building".
Returns string
the description
getEnterPrefix(): string
Prefix added to the directions for entering buildings. Defaults to "Enter".
Example: [Enter] the building, then ...
Returns string
the prefix
getExitBuildingDescription(): string
Description used when the user needs to exit the building.
Defaults to "Exit the building".
Returns string
the description
getExitPrefix(): string
Prefix added to directions for leaving elevators/stairwells/etc. Defaults to "Exit".
Example: [Exit] the elevator, then ...
Returns string
the prefix
getKeepStraightDirectionPrefix(): string
Prefix added when directions should indicate to keep walking straight. Defaults to "Keep".
Note: In most cases, straight paths are all combined into a single direction. However,
there are certain situations when they are separated, such as when you need to enter/exit
a building.
Returns string
the prefix
getLandmarkListDirectionPrefix(): string
Prefix added to list of landmarks in the directions.
Defaults to "You will pass".
Returns string
the prefix
getMaxDistanceForLeg(): number
Distance (in FEET) that a segment can be without calling out
additional landmarks for navigation, when possible. Defaults to 100 (feet).
Returns number
distance in FEET
getMinDistanceForImportantTurns(): number
Distance (in FEET) for the minimum length that a wayfinding segment
must be in order to get its own direction, rather than being combined
with a previous segment's direction. Defaults to 10 (feet).
Returns number
distance in feet
getMultiDirectionPrefix(): string
Prefix added when combining short steps with each other. Defaults to "then".
Example: Turn left, [then] turn right ...
Returns string
the prefix
getNearbyWaypointFieldOfView(): number
Angle used to determine if a landmark is within the field
of view of the user. Defaults to 25 (degrees).
Returns number
field of view angle in DEGREES
getNearbyWaypointThreshold(): number
Max distance (in FEET) for for a nearby landmark to be potentially
used in directions. Defaults to 75 (feet).
Returns number
distance in FEET
getPastLandmarkPrefix(): string
Prefix added to directions when indicating to go past a landmark.
Defaults to "past".
Returns string
the prefix
getPastNeighborStartAngle(): number
Angle used to determine the min angle a wayside landmark
must be to be walked passed in the course of the journey.
Defaults to 45 (degrees).
Returns number
the angle in DEGREES
getPastNeighborStopAngle(): number
Angle used to determine the max angle a wayside landmark
must be to be walked passed in the course of the journey.
Defaults to 135 (degrees).
Returns number
the angle in DEGREES
getRepeatDirectionSuffix(): string
Suffix added when combined two directions include the same turn direction.
Defaults to "again". For example:
Turn left ...
Turn left [again] ...
Returns string
the prefix
getRoomEntrancePrefix(): string
Prefix added to rooms. Defaults to "the entrance to the".
Returns string
the prefix
getSlightTurnMaxAngle(): number
Angle used to determine when a path is a "slight" turn to the left/right
instead of a hard turn in one direction or another. Defaults to 60 (degrees).
Returns number
angle in degrees
getSlightTurnSuffix(): string
Suffix added to directions that fall under "slight" turns.
Defaults to "slightly".
Returns string
the suffix
getStartingDirectionsPrefix(): string
Prefix added to the first direction. Defaults to "Starting at".
Returns string
the prefix
getStraightPathMaxAngle(): number
Angle used to determine when a two path segments form a straight
path or whether there will be a turn left/right. Defaults to 10 (degrees).
Returns number
angle in degrees
getTakeElevatorDescription(): string
Description used when indicating the user needs to take the
elevator to a certain floor. Defaults to "Take the elevator".
Returns string
the description
getTakeStairsDescription(): string
Description used when indicating that the user needs to the take
the stairs to a certain floor. Defaults to "Take the stairs".
Returns string
the description
getThroughRoomPrefix(): string
Prefix added to directions when indicating walking through a location.
Defaults to "through".
Returns string
the prefix
getTowardsLandmarkAngle(): number
Max Angle used to determine whether to describe landmark as something
to walk towards, rather than something to walk past. Defaults to 93 (degrees).
Returns number
the angle in DEGREES
getTowardsLandmarkPrefix(): string
Prefix added to directions when indicating to go towards a landmark.
Defaults to "towards".
Returns string
the prefix
getTowardsOrPastWaypointThreshold(): number
Max Distance (in FEET) for wayside landmarks to be considered as viable.
Defaults to 50 (feet).
Returns number
distance in FEET
getTurnDirectionPrefix(): string
Prefix added to indicate to go left/right in the directions.
Defaults to "Turn".
Returns string
the prefix
getWalkingDescription(): string
Used to indicate movement in the directions. Defaults to "walk about".
Allows customization of text generated for turn by turn directions