


Camera configuration parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
center location

the position of the camera

minZoom Number <optional>

the minimum zoom level of the camera. Defaults to 1.0s

maxZoom Number <optional>

the maximum zoom level of the camera. Defaults to 21.0

zoomLevel Number <optional>

the current zoom level of the camera. Defaults to 17.0

bearing Number <optional>

the bearing of the camera. Defaults to 0.0

pitch Number <optional>

the camera pitch. Defaults to 0.0

enableScrollZoom boolean <optional>

enable zooming the map in/out via the mouse scroll wheel. Defaults to true.

enableDragRotate boolean <optional>

enable rotating the map by dragging with the mouse. Defaults to true.

enableDoubleClickZoom boolean <optional>

enable zooming IN the map by double-clicking. Defaults to true.

enableKeyboardShortcuts boolean <optional>

enable manipulating the camera via keyboard controls. Defaults to true.

enableBoxZoom boolean <optional>

enable zooming the map in/out via dragging a box around the zoom area. Defaults to true.

enableHash boolean <optional>

enable syncing the camera position with a URL hash. Defaults to true.