Load Legacy Venue Map Data

To start with, identify the base url where your Legacy VMD assets are deployed. This can be a remote url, or a local file path.

let fileCollection = VMDLegacyFileCollection(basePath: "https://myserver.com/[VENUE_ID]/venue_map_[VENUE_ID]", andVenueId: "VENUE_ID")
let parser = VMLegacyVMDParser(withLegacyFileCollection: fileCollection, delegate: self)

After you’ve initiated the loading, register your VMDParserDelegate and wait for the didFinishLoadingVenueMapData callback to be invoked. At this point you can proceed to Display a venue map.

public func didFinishLoadingVenueMapData(_ vmd: VMMSMap) {
    //display venue map

Display a Legacy venue map

This is the same as Display a venue map except you must use an instance of VMRasterMapView instead of VMVectorMapView