Package-level declarations


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open class BaseMapBuilding
Class that contains information for a building within a venue.
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abstract class BaseMapBuildingFloor
Class that contains information for a floor within a building.
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open class CustomMapInfo
Class that contains custom info that can be used when creating turn by turn directions and auto-labeling waypoints.
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This class implements the VMDCallback interface to return data on the main thread.
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class Map
Class that loads data from VMD file, finds waypaths, and labels waypoints.
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Class that contains information for a building within a venue.
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Class that contains information for a floor within a building.
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Class that contains information for a building within a venue.
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Class that contains information for a floor within a building.
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open class MapUnit
This class contains data that can be used to position markers on a map.
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class VMDAbsoluteFile(filePath: String?) : VMDFile

This class represents a VMDFile that is located locally. It implements the VMDFile interface to provide a common way to to retrieve an InputStream.

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Provides a collection of VMDFiles that can be passed to the VMD parser to retrieve all relevant VMD data.

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class VMDUrlFile(var url: URL?) : VMDFile

This class represents a VMDFile that is located remotely. It implements the VMDFile interface to provide a common way to to retrieve an InputStream.

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Extracts all VMDFiles from a zip folder, so that the collection can then be passed to the VMD parser to retrieve all relevant VMD data.