
Utility class for WalkingPathOverlay.


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Determines the geographic boundaries that encapsulates the given building
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Determines the geographic boundaries that encapsulates the given coordinate list
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Determines the geographic boundaries that encapsulates the given floor
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Determines the geographic boundaries that encapsulates the given waypath segment
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open fun boundsForWaypath(waypath: Waypath, floor: String): LatLngBounds
Determines the geographic boudaries that encapsulates the part of a waypath on a given floor
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open fun boundsForWaypoints(waypoints: List<Waypoint>, floor: String): LatLngBounds
Calculates the bounds for a list of given waypoint on a given floor.
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Finds the closest waypoint in a given list for the given location, only if it is a destination type.
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open fun findClosestWaypointAtLocation(location: LatLng, floorId: String, vmd: Map): Waypoint
Figure out the closest mapped waypoint to a user-tapped location
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open fun getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds: LatLngBounds, mapWidthPx: Integer, mapHeightPx: Integer): Float
Calculates the zoom needed to display the entire bounds on a map.
open fun getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds: LatLngBounds, mapWidthPx: Integer, mapHeightPx: Integer, maxZoom: Float): Float
Calculates the zoom needed to display the entire bounds on a map clamped to a max zoom.
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open fun rotateCoordinate(coordinate: LatLng, center: LatLng, bearing: Double): LatLng
Rotates a coordinate around a center point